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Considering the three predominant planes of motion, if one plane is over worked our body can get 'stuck'. 'Stuck' meaning that it is hard to move in the direction opposite of that position without strain. This occurs at the additional expense of not being able to move well in other planes of motion.


This is an important point for general performance as the potential of any muscle to generate force depends on its position and its length.


As one common example, imagine a pelvis that is tipped forward, presenting as a deep arched (lordotic) low back. Picture how the glute max/posterior hip muscles are in an over lengthened position and thus less able to generate force to extend the hip with walking and movement. Compare that to the hip flexors/anterior hip muscles that are in a shortened and 'stronger' position. In this extended position, when one is not able to generate power from the posterior hips, the common compensation is to use the back muscles more, which in turn extends the back more. By extending the back more, the hip and trunk rotators are even less able to function as they are intended, with more stress transferred to the back.


A cycle of strain and pain continues until the person is able to 'unlock' that plane of motion, gaining access to the other planes of motion as well.


As the body becomes able to move in a wider variety of motions and positions, without getting 'stuck', the ability to perform better improves while the incidence of injury is reduced.


The science of Postural Restoration helps us identify patterns and pathologies through objective testing, as well as helps us understand and direct treatment towards achieving the desirable movement patterns that allow for tri-planar integrated movement without compensation.




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